2022返美COVID-19 Test陰性報告規定自6/12取消

文章最後更新於 06/11/2022 by aillynotes

自2022年6/12以後,美國將取消航班赴美需要提供的PCR或Antigen 1天以內的快篩結果。待美國CDC正式公佈後將更新。而自2021年11月18日開始赴美航班還需要提供疫苗紀錄(會依是否是美國公民或綠卡有差異)。文章整理美國可購入的合格家用快篩與檢測流程。



CDC amended its October 25, 2021 Order, titled, “Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test or Recovery from COVID-19 for All Air Passengers Arriving in the United States.” This amendment updates COVID-19 testing requirements for air passengers 2 years or older boarding a flight to the United States.

All air passengers 2 years or older with a flight departing to the US from a foreign country at or after 12:01am EST (5:01am GMT) on December 6, 2021, are required show a negative COVID-19 viral test result taken no more than 1 day before travel, or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days, before they board their flight.

Air passengers will also be required to confirm in the form of an attestation that the information they present is true.

For the full list of requirements and exemptions, please review the language in the Order.

Source: 美國CDC Requirement for Proof of Negative COVID-19 Test or Documentation of Recovery from COVID-19 | CDC


以下分享美國CDC認可,可以用於入境美國的Antigen Test,Home Test Kit version。

1.夠買買名稱有Binaz Ag的At-Home Test Kit 可以家用&搭機使用。

但要購買前要注意Home Test Kit會有期限,所以如果是幾個月後才要返美,記得要注意購買時間避免到時候過期。例如在12月初的官網,Use by 2/1/2022。

備註:我在2022年1月初上官網查看,都沒有看到特殊標注:Use by Month/Date/2022的說明,也有可能新一批的就沒有限制(或期限較長)。

訂購人必須要18歲以上(訂購人和使用人不一定要同一個人)、4歲以上才能使用這個Test Kit

The test kits you are about to purchase from eMed have been authorized for use by the FDA at least through February 1, 2022, after which they will expire. It’s possible the test kits you order from eMed may have an expiration date later in February 2022, but we cannot guarantee that. eMed looks forward to offering COVID-19 test kits with longer expiration dates in the near future.

Must be at least 18 years of age to order.

Test authorized for use by persons age 4+.

Test takers 14 or younger must be accompanied by an adult during specimen collection.



Abbott’s BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Ag At-Home Test Kit 6 Pack (emed.com

Optum 官網(有顯示FSA/HSA)

2個組$69.99 COVID-19 Test for Travel – Abbott BinaxNOW™ Ag At-Home Kit 2 Pack | Optum Store

3個組$99.99 COVID-19 Test – Abbott BinaxNOW™ Ag Card At-Home Kit 3 Pack | Optum Store


  1. 測試前Test Kit絕對不能打開,要先下載註冊Abott NAVCIA App並註冊好帳號(記得要人在美國時候就下載註冊這個App)

2. 進入eMed網站 Login – eMed,並且使用剛才在Step 1創建的NAVCIA帳號登入

3. 系統會測試視訊設備是否可以正常使用。然後就會有eMed人員跟你通話(線上直接等待,無法先預約測試時間)

4. 人員上線後,會確認身份及掃描Test Kit 的Bar Code

5. 測試過程中,螢幕都會指示要做哪些事情

6. 完成採檢後,等待15分鐘就會出結果。(這15分鐘內相機畫面要對著測試卡,記得選個舒服的姿勢避免15分鐘手痠)

7. 約15分鐘後,會有另一個eMed人員和你一起看測試結果

8. 確認結果後,報告會寄到Email帳號及NAVCIA App中,就可以用於美國登機使用。


可以,這個就是最推薦的做法。但購買前記得注意頁面標示的使用期限。要確定自己登機前、還在使用期限內。另外購買後也要記得下載好App跟註冊帳號(上述的Step 1)


Home test kit就是讓受試者自行在家中按照操作進行,都會有合格的檢測人員全程確認操作流程。



Important Note to Purchaser: The manufacturer of the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Home Test Kit recommends test kits be stored at temperatures between 2 and 30°C (35.6 – 86°F). Any extended exposure of the test kit to temperatures beyond this range may effect quality of test results. If you have ordered home delivery of the test kit and expect temperatures in your area to be outside of this range at time of delivery, it is recommended that you arrange for someone to be home at or near time of delivery to receive the test kit or, alternatively, select a convenient pick-up location. Should you have any further questions, please contact eMed Customer Service at (866)-955-1173.


購買後Abbott會提供購買明細,可以提交給自己的Health insurance provider或Health coverage plan看是否能reimburse;而如果是在Optum官網購買,有強調FSA/HSA,可以自行使用賬戶購買。

而依據目前美國新公布的政策,1/15及以後購買的家用快篩,Private Insurance Company都必須reimburse被保險人的家用快篩費用,一個月最多報銷8次。

官方公告:Biden-Harris Administration Requires Insurance Companies and Group Health Plans to Cover the Cost of At-Home COVID-19 Tests, Increasing Access to Free Tests | HHS.gov

2. 家用快篩使用、但可以加購Telehealth服務用於登機使用

目前Amazon, Walmart, CVS等各大賣場、電商有販售多種Antigen Test家用快篩組合,可以透過購買Telehealth服務拿到可以回美國的快篩報告。記得先行確認自己的快篩試劑是否能用此服務(可以跟ANOVA客服詢問確認)

  • On/Go at-Home COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Self-Test:https://amzn.to/3ncl7k2
  • 有網友實測使用台灣超商買到的Abbot Panbio再加購ANOVA telehealth服務,成功使用陰性證明搭上長榮航班返美。

ANOVA telehealth預約網址:Test Observation (azova.com)

3. 搭乘UA可承認家用快篩,但必須透過特定管道購買


相關說明:BinaxNOW, NAVICA & United: Book Your Travel Now | Abbott Newsroom


目前美國CDC正在研議是否將赴美登機需要檢附的PCR/Antigen Test結果改為一天(目前規定會依照是否完整接種疫苗而需要檢附3天或1天,







