年化利率6.89%:美國財政部發行Series I Savings Bonds

文章最後更新於 11/03/2022 by aillynotes

近期由於通膨超漲的關係,越來越多人注意到美國財政部發行的Series I Savings Bonds(又稱I Bonds)。此篇文章將整理此債券的介紹、發行單位、省稅效果、購買方法、年化利率9.62%計算方法的重點整理。


2022年10月更新:根據目前查到的數據,11月份開始的I Savings Bond Variable rate變為6.48%、Fixed Rate變為$0.4%、總年化利率為6.89%。

2022年4月更新:目前美國最新通膨數據公布(Consumer Price Index Summary – 2022 M03 Results (bls.gov)),按照目前的計算,5月份開始的I Savings Bonds年化利率為9.62%;Treasury Direct官網已公佈。

但要注意,紙本版必須在Tax Refunds的狀況下才能填表購買。支付超額支付Form 1040 Balance due無法在稅表中顯示為Refunds。原因說明在這一篇

I Savings Bonds是什麼?誰發行的?安全嗎?

I Savings Bonds 在1998年起由美國財政部(United States Treasury)發行的債券,I 代表Inflation。

官網:TreasuryDirect – Home

官網的資訊非常分散且頁面使用上也不算user friendly;雖然在網頁中的Research Center可以說有各種所需資訊,但真可以說是散落在各個分頁中需要繞來繞去。所以我將購買、贖回I Bonds的相關問題都整理在這篇文章中,也整理了Treasury Direct官網中的各種必要資訊合集,希望可以節省大家在頁面中需要各種連來連去找資訊的時間。

Series I Savings Bonds 利率怎麼計算?划算嗎?

I Savings Bonds總利率計算公式

利息計算每半年複利,Inflation Rate 會依據通膨指數CPI-U進行調整。所以是一款通常被視為抗通膨的債券選擇。一般認為美國財政部違約的機率較低,且目前Savings Account利率都在0.5%上下徘徊,而目前I Bonds年化利率較高,所以討論度增高+有些人認為可以將I Savings Bonds當作Emergency Fund部位。

Inflation rate每半年更動一次,也就是會隨著持有期間利率都在浮動的一種債券組合,有可能往上或往下浮動。

Composite rate計算公式 = [fixed rate + (2 x semiannual inflation rate) + (fixed rate x semiannual inflation rate)]

A variable inflation rate which we calculate twice a year, based on changes in the nonseasonally adjusted Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for all items, including food and energy (CPI-U for March compared with the CPI-U for September of the same year, and then CPI-U for September compared with the CPI-U for March of the following year).

Source: Treasury Direct Individual – Series I Savings Bonds (treasurydirect.gov)

Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): U. S. city average, by expenditure category – 2021 M11 Results (bls.gov)


  1. Fixed Rate(一旦購買後,30年維持不變的fixed rate;如果是購買最新一期的是0%)
  2. Inflation Rate(購買後會隨時間更動的inflation rate,每半年會公佈一次)

1. Fixed Rate近幾年數據

Date the fixed rate was setFixed rate for bonds issued in the six months after that date
November 1, 20220.40%
May 1, 20220.00%
November 1, 20210.00%
May 1, 20210.00%
November 1, 20200.00%
May 1, 20200.00%
November 1, 20190.20%
May 1, 20190.50%
November 1, 20180.50%
May 1, 20180.30%
November 1, 20170.10%
May 1, 20170.00%
November 1, 20160.00%
May 1, 20160.10%
Source: Treasury Direct

2. Inflation Rate近幾年數據

Date the inflation rate was setInflation rate for six months
(See: When does my bond change rates?)
November 1, 20223.24%
May 1, 20224.81%
November 1, 20213.56%
May 1, 20211.77%
November 1, 20200.84%
May 1, 20200.53%
November 1, 20191.01%
May 1, 20190.70%
November 1, 20181.16%
May 1, 20181.11%
November 1, 20171.24%
May 1, 20170.98%
November 1, 20161.38%
May 1, 20160.08%
Source: Treasury Direct

下一次的Inflation Rate會在November 1, 2022開始實行(目前尚未公布)

2022 5-10月的的年化利率

The composite rate for I bonds issued from May 2022 through November 2022 is 9.62%。年化利率是9.62%。

Fixed rate0.00%
Semiannual inflation rate4.81%
Composite rate = [fixed rate + (2 x semiannual inflation rate) + (fixed rate x semiannual inflation rate)][0.0000 + (2 x 0.0481) + (0.0000 x 0.0481)]
Composite rate 9.62%

怎麼買I Savings Bonds? 每個人都可以購買I Bonds嗎?

每年的1/1開始、以Calendar year計算限額(繼續往下閱讀有限額說明),且以每個Taxpayer Identification Number/TIN(Social Security Number for an individual or Employer Identification Number for an entity)計算限額。也就是不只有個人可以購買I Bonds;Trust、Corporation也可以。

Individual 條件之一的United States Resident,通常US Resident的話可能就是聯邦稅務上的Resident Alien概念。要確認自己是否是Tax resident可查詢以下延伸閱讀。

IndividualsYes, if you have a Social Security Number and meet any one of these three conditions:
1. United States citizen, whether you live in the U.S. or abroad
2. United States resident
3. Civilian employee of the United States, no matter where you live
To buy and own an electronic I bond, you must first establish a TreasuryDirect account.
Children under 18Yes, if they meet one of the conditions above for individuals.
Information concerning electronic and paper bonds:
1. Electronic bonds in TreasuryDirect. A child may not open a TreasuryDirect account, buy securities in TreasuryDirect, or conduct other transactions in TreasuryDirect. A parent or other adult custodian may open for the child a TreasuryDirect account that is linked to the adult’s TreasuryDirect account. The parent or other adult custodian can buy securities and conduct other transactions for the child, and other adults can buy savings bonds for the child as gifts.
2. Paper bonds. Adults can buy bonds in the name of a child.
Trust, estate, corporation, partnership and some other entitiesElectronic bonds (in TreasuryDirect): Yes
Paper bonds:
Trusts and estates: In some cases, Yes
Corporations, partnerships, other entities: No
Source: Treasury Direct

Series I Savings Bonds/I Bonds 的購買限額是多少?如何購買?

1. 購買電子版I Bonds,上限$10,000

購買管道:在官方頁面Treasury Direct,沒有辦法在其他銀行、券商開戶購買

Individual – Series I Savings Bonds Rates & Terms: Calculating Interest Rates (treasurydirect.gov)

在官網頁面中點選:Open an Account選項,就可以在Treasury Direct上開戶跟購買。

2. 利用退稅購買紙本I Bonds,上限$5,000

另一個管道就是用自己的退稅購買紙本I Bounds,每年上限$5,000。

但如果自己通常都是要補繳稅,沒有Tax Refund怎麼辦?通常可以藉由多提撥w2 withholding、多繳交Estimated Tax、或多繳交Extension Payment 而達到。但紙本購買相對比較麻煩,還會依照IRS處理退稅的速度決定何時購買、購買後才會Mail Paper bonds給Taxpayers。

Treasury Direct提供的紙本購買官方說明:Individual – Using Your Income Tax Refund to Buy Paper Savings Bonds (treasurydirect.gov)

除了需要利用退稅款購買,也需要準備 IRS Form 8888 (Rev. November 2021) (irs.gov)

如果要贖回/賣出/Cashing Out I Bonds如何操作?

I Bonds買入後1年不得賣出(除特定狀況外)、且如果在持有5年內賣出,賣出後會扣賣出當時前3個月利息。

特殊狀況可以在購買1年內就贖回I Bonds的狀況(例如所在地為Diaster-Declared Areas),但也要經歷一連串申請流程:Individual – HELP! I LIVE IN A DISASTER-DECLARED AREA. I NEED TO CASH SAVINGS BONDS (treasurydirect.gov)

要賣出/贖回Redeem I Bonds的話,同樣也分為電子版、紙本版兩種方式分別操作。

1. 賣出電子版I Bonds / Sell Electronic I Bonds / Redeem Electronic I Bonds

在Treasury Direct創立帳號、且在網站上購入Electronic I Bonds後,就可以在自己的帳號內處理Redeem I Bonds的服務,且也可以在帳號內看到目前價值。

2. 賣出紙本I Bonds / Redeem Paper I Bonds

Treasury Direct 提供了兩種兌現紙本I Savings Bonds的做法:Individual – Cashing Paper Savings Bonds (treasurydirect.gov)

Cashing Out 前可以先線上試算自己目前的紙本I Bonds價值多少:Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s) (treasurydirect.gov)

定期也會在Treasury Direct上提供PDF Table讓人方便查看I Bonds的redemption value:sbrt1221.pdf (treasurydirect.gov)

  1. If you hold an account at a local bank and it cashes savings bonds, you can ask the bank if it will cash yours.
  2. Send the bonds to us

Option 1:通常看到這兩種選項,還是會先嘗試Option 1。但首先要去自己的Local bank確認是否能兌現紙本的I Bonds;而如果可以去Local Banks cash out的話,還要帶上以下文件(第三項視條件而決定是否需要準備)

  1. Bonds
  2. Proof of identity (check with your bank on what’s acceptable)
  3. A certified copy of a death certificate for the owner, if you are named as beneficiary (POD)

Option 2:紙本寄回。紙本寄送會需要用到這張Form FSF1522 (treasurydirect.gov)。Treasury Direct上有提供更多指引關於如何處理紙本寄回Redeem(包含如果是I Bonds的繼承人如何處理)。

紙本I Bonds能轉換成電子版I Bonds嗎?

可以,Treasury Direct頁面有提供如何將紙本I Bonds轉換成電子版I Bonds的流程

Individual – Converting Paper Savings Bonds to Electronic Form (treasurydirect.gov)

購買I Bonds的好處、省稅效果

1. 相對安全


2. 抗通膨、年化利率勝過目前的Savings Account

而目前由於通膨高、且低利率的時候,目前一般Savings帳戶只剩下0.4%-0.5%,相較之下Series I Savings Bonds

3. 或可當作緊急預備金Emergency Fund

不論是在一般家用理財規劃、或是追求早日FIRE,都會有緊急預備金Emergency Fund的概念。而I Bonds由於上述優點1&優點2的因素,讓這一筆款項也很適合當作家庭緊急預備金。


4. Interest Income利息收入有Deferred Tax 延稅效果、用在教育費用還可以Tax Free

根據Treasury Direct頁面説明,Interest income會Defer到將債券贖回(Redeem)時才會計入Taxable Income;且使用在qualified education expenses可以tax free,詳細規定與細則請見此:Individual – Education Planning (treasurydirect.gov) *關於Interest Income認列時間點,請間文章最後的Q&A

但要注意的是:只有Interest Income(利息收入)有Deferred Tax遞延課稅的效果;用於購買I Bonds的本金部分不會有任何稅務好處。跟Pre-tax 401k能立即降低taxable income的效果不同

5. Interest Income免課徵州稅與Local Tax

承4,Interest income 在贖回時會計入taxable interest,但只有在聯邦所得稅層面需要計入;州稅跟Local Tax(例如New York City resident,除了New York State Tax之外,還有額外的New York City Tax需要繳納計算)不需要計入課稅,這個效果跟購買當州的Municipal Bonds,Dividends/Interests省稅效果類似。

買I Bonds的缺點、注意事項

1. 購買不方便、開戶不一定能一步到位

只能在Treasury Direct購買電子版、且紙本版只能在Tax Return時有Refund時可以購買。雖然限定US Resident可以購買,但在開戶過程中仍然可能會遇到身份無法驗證的問題(如以下訊息,可能會跳出或直接發信到Email顯示無法認證)

Thanks again for opening a TreasuryDirect account. We are having difficulty verifying the information you provided when opening your account. For your protection, please complete the Account Authorization form https://www.treasurydirect.gov/pdf/rs/acctauth.pdf 4 and mail it to Treasury Retail Securities Site, P.O. Box 7015, Minneapolis, MN 55480-7015. A hold has been placed on your account that will prevent you from accessing your account. After we receive and approve the Account Authorization form, the hold on your account will be removed. When you log into your account, check the Investor InBox section of your Treasury Direct account for an important message.

Source: Treasury Direct

若在Treasury Direct網頁中無法認身份,則要使用網頁提供的此表格(FSF5444 (treasurydirect.gov))到金融機構(如Bank、Credit Union)請Bank Manager幫忙驗證身份,要說明是:Signature Guarantee而不是Notary

而要注意的事項就如同Form 開頭的Instructions中提到的

  1. 要在certifying officer前簽名(不能自己先在家簽好)
  2. 要找金融機構中Authorized certifying officers(通常是分行中的Manager,會有一個驗證的印章可用)、不能找公證人Notary
  3. 填寫完這張Form 之後要寄到指定地址驗證,可能會耗時2-3週


總共跑了2間Chase、1間Wells Fargo、一間Credit union。走進第一間Chase,遇到第一個行員一看就臭臉說Chase不簽這種、後來遇到另一個和善的agent拿Form 5444看了一眼,說他們可以簽,但他們分行能簽的人(Manager) 目前休假不在。接著去Credit Union,agent說要有6個月的account history才能幫忙做Signature guarantee。後來隔天帶齊雙證件去Wells Fargo開戶(上述的business account),順便問是否能做Signature guarantee也被拒。最終最終(跑的第4間分行)去到一間大間的Chase,問我是不是Chase客戶後,Manager就現身幫我簽了,我已經持有Chase帳戶幾年了,確認一下Driver License就幫忙做Signature Guarantee了。

去的分行不行的話就只能換間換人問(就是美國常用的HGCA概念,Hang up and call again)、或去不同的銀行辦理。有時候是櫃台不懂、通常是要找Banker才有辦法做。試試看如果被櫃檯拒絕、請他們找banker 過來協助你、或是果斷換間分行問。Treasury Direct的線上系統真的不是非常好用,但在目前高通脹時期他的利率也真的非常好,只能take it or leave it(如果一直無法解決Form 5444問題並成功開戶的話)。

2. 賣出不方便(Sell/Redeem),沒有大量的流通市場

如同上述的電子購買方式只能在Treasury Direct網站上購買;若要贖回(Redeem)自己先前購買的部位(也就是想要Sell),也只能在Treasury Direct售出/贖回。

而紙本的賣出方式更麻煩、也有更多難以控制的變數。例如若要紙本寄回Paper Bonds,寄出過程中的不可控變數更多(例如可能會寄丟遺失?)、而對方收到後要花多少時間處理也非常難預估。

且如同上述所說,紙本的I Bonds Redeem前可能也需要了解目前的Paper I Bonds價值多少:Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s) (treasurydirect.gov)

3. 需要選用會長期持有的銀行帳號


4. 贖回期限有限制,一年內要用款者不建議


5. 會隨時間調整inflation rate,未來可能會有其他更優秀的投資工具

如同前面介紹,Fixed rate一旦購買後不會改變,但Inflation rate會半年就調整一次,若在以後年度Savings accounts的interest rate升高、或是有其他更好的投資標的,則I Savings Bonds的吸引力、年化利率也不會像目前此時這麼吸引人。

不過還是可以選擇在1年後就Redeem當初投入的I Bonds餘額。


Q:可以把紙本I Bonds轉換成電子版本I Bonds嗎?

A:可以,具體操作流程請參考:Individual – Convert Your Paper Savings Bonds Using SmartExchange (treasurydirect.gov)

Q:可以將I Bonds贈與給他人嗎?例如贈與給小孩?

A:可以,相關規定請見此:Individual – Savings Bonds As Gifts (treasurydirect.gov)

Q:Treasury Direct有提到可能可以每年認列Interest income?

Treasury Direct頁面說明:1099-INT(總收到的利息收入)是要在Redeem贖回時才會發送;但Treasury Direct也有提到:『You may, however, choose to report the interest every year.』等於是提供一個額外的操作選項,但有各種限制條件:例如一但選擇年度申報則每年度都要申報、且最終redeem年份收到真正1099-INT時,還要遵循頁面方法以讓IRS了解其實taxpayer已在以前年度都已經認列,避免IRS誤認為是Taxpayer沒有如實申報1099-INT利息收入金額。

以下是I Bonds的一大串要進行額外操作的說明;由於尚未想到每年認列利息的顯著優惠、但會增加Taxpayer每年要額外注意自己tax return的時間,所以一般比較少人這樣執行

You may, however, choose to report the interest every year.

You may, for example, find it advantageous to report interest every year on savings bonds in a child’s name. The child may be paying taxes at a lower rate than will be true years later when the bond matures.

Note: You (or the child if a bond is in the child’s name) do not actually receive the interest every year even if you report it that way. The interest that the bond earns is reported on a 1099-INT after the bond is cashed or is reissued to reflect a taxable change in ownership. The 1099-INT will show all the interest the bond has earned over the years. Go to IRS Publication 550, Investment Income and Expenses, for instructions on how to tell the IRS that you already reported some or all of that interest in earlier years.

Once you start to report the interest every year (for example, for a child in the child’s Social Security Number), you must continue to do so every year after that for all your savings bonds (or, for example, the child’s bonds) and any you acquire (or, the child acquires) in the future.

Our online Savings Bond Calculator can also help you determine the year-to-date earnings for the calendar year.

Source: Treasury Direct Individual – Tax Considerations for I Bonds (treasurydirect.gov)


近期由於通膨率加劇,所以I Savings Bonds的討論度也在近日非常熱烈,建議每個人評估自己的財務狀況&目標,再做出最符合自己利益的決定。如果有其他問題、或是對I Bonds有更多見解想要分享,也請一定要留言讓我跟其他讀者能看到:)

歡迎成為贊助夥伴,只要$5一杯咖啡的金額就可以支持我持續發布優質內容;成為定期贊助會員還可以提出近期關注議題,我將優先撰寫相關文章。贊助連結:Aillynotes (buymeacoffee.com)




Referral Program、現金回饋、信用卡




