
文章最後更新於 12/05/2022 by aillynotes

去年因為種種考量而從北加州Bay Area搬家到華盛頓州大西雅圖地區。也在搬家後陸續將相關的Licenses都從加州的換成華盛頓州的。非常意外且驚喜的發現在Washington State有線上整合的State Licensing平台,從駕照到各類專業人士證照都可以直接預約申請。

Washington 華州線上整合服務


1. 線上申請轉換/換新Driver License

Step 1:免費註冊Online account和線上填寫Application

由於這個WA State Licensing網站能辦駕照跟CPA執照等各種專門文件,所以帳號密碼一定要記好不能搞丟、且也要跟自己各個常用的銀行或購物網站分開,才不至於若有網站資料外洩而導致其他網站的帳號密碼都被破解。隨機創密碼&幫忙記憶網站的幫手還是推薦使用Bitwarden(免費)

Step 2:預約面試時間


2. 申請或更換WA車輛牌照

轉換成WA的駕照後,如果有車輛一起搬運過來也需要更換成WA plate,WA Licensing的網頁有詳細說明步驟&提供可以實體申辦的locations。

WA牌照是委外辦理,所以有幾間offices可以直接辦理;但目前就無法使用WA Licensing的網站直接線上申請,只能郵寄或找到自己要申辦的地點(每間的收費可能不一樣,建議事先詢問)。

3. CPA License 線上申請轉換跨州證照

如同第1點所述,可以線上申辦免費的WA licensing 帳號,登入後可以Add a new service、後續登入也會出現自己之前使用過的服務如下圖所示。

3.1. Substantially Equivalent Method(最常用的方法)

從外州CPA執照換到WA的CPA執照有以下三個方法:Substantially Equivalent Method、3-5 or 5-10 Method、或Education and Experience Method。


這個也是我成功從加州CPA轉換到華州CPA的方法,以下就是華州Board of Accountancy的說明,加州Board of Accountancy算是規定比較嚴格的州,所以以我自己的狀況,只要能拿到加州的CPA license,以下幾項條件都能符合,例如『you hold a license to practice public accounting issued by a state that makes a similar provision for holders of a license issued by this state』、『completed a course and an examination on materials covering all of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct』和『Verify that you have met the CPE requirements to qualify for reciprocity』,所以最主要的工作就是利用上述的WA licensing整合系統,登入後選擇Board of Accountancy、並直接線上填寫相關資料。

我使用Substantially Equivalent Method方法有需要填寫在加州的CPA license number,而加州的CPA執照其實也都是公開資訊,到以下網站輸入legal name查詢就可以找到證照號碼&有效期限。

  • 加州License 查詢(各類專業的License都可以查詢):Search – DCA

關於Substantially Equivalent Method 詳細規定

To determine if the jurisdiction you are currently licensed in is substantially equivalent to those of the UAA, please view the list from NASBA’s National Qualification Appraisal Service (NQAS).

To apply for your first Washington State Interstate Reciprocity license – using the substantially equivalent method, you will need to:

  1. Verify that you hold a license to practice public accounting issued by a state that makes a similar provision for holders of a license issued by this state.
  2. Verify that you have met the good character requirements (this will be done on your application).
  3. Verify that you completed a course and an examination on materials covering all of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct as part of your initial qualifications in another state or jurisdiction.
  4. Verify that you have met the CPE requirements to qualify for reciprocity.
  5. Submit a complete application through our Online Services***We strongly suggest you use a personal email address to set up your Secure Access Washington account.***

3.2. 3-5 or 5-10 Method

以我個人而言,用上述的Substantially Equivalent Method能更容易讓我轉換證照;3-5 or 5-10 method有比上述方法多了整整一大段的第5項:Verify 過去5年中的3年、或是過去10年中的5年在Public Accounting frim的狀況,等於需要的文件更多。

To apply for your first Washington State CPA license by reciprocity using the 3 of the last 5 years or for 5 of the last 10 years method, you need to:

  1. Verify that you hold a license to practice public accounting issued by a state that makes a similar provision for holders of a license issued by this state.
  2. Verify that you have met the good character requirements (this will be done on your application).
  3. Verify that you completed a course and an examination on materials covering all of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct as part of your initial qualifications in another state or jurisdiction.
  4. Verify that you have met the CPE requirements to qualify for reciprocity.
  5. Verify that you practiced public accounting for 3 of the last 5 years or for 5 of the last 10 years by submitting evidence such as:
    • Letter(s) from employer(s) or client(s) that you have been in the practice of public accounting for the requisite time.
    • Business license, State registrations, licensing documents, etc.
    Note: Evidence submitted may be subject to public disclosure laws of the State of Washington, e.g. personal or business tax returns, business address.
  6. Submit a complete application through our Online Service***We strongly suggest you use a personal email address to set up your Secure Access Washington account.***

3.3. Education and Experience Method

第三種方法其實和第一種類似、但需要額外提供『Experience Affidavit』和『Official College transcripts』,我自己看起來感覺比較像是在外州考試拿到申請CPA資格、但還沒正式拿到License的情況;不過還是建議如果要使用2.3. 這個方法先行跟WA的Board of Accountancy確認,再行決定是否確定使用這一種方法。

To apply for your first Washington State CPA license by reciprocity using the education and experience method, you need to:

  1. Verify that you hold a license to practice public accounting issued by a state that makes a similar provision for holders of a license issued by this state.
  2. Verify that you have met the good character requirements (this will be done on your application).
  3. Verify that you have completed a course and an examination on materials covering all of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and have obtained a score of 90% or better on the exam.
  4. Verify that your experience is qualified and complete an ‘Experience Affidavit‘ (Fillable PDF).
    • The completed Experience Affidavit (PDF), and a copy of your resume or summary of duties, will need to be uploaded at the end of your application submission process.
  5. Submit official college transcripts (bearing an official seal) showing that you have completed the Board’s education requirements in effect at the time you first sat for the CPA exam.
  6. Verify that you have met the CPE requirements to qualify for reciprocity.
  7. Complete the license application through our Online Service***We strongly suggest you use a personal email address to set up your Secure Access Washington account.***



感謝看到最後的你,不論是否決定贊助這個網站,都非常歡迎將文章分享給更多需要的人~除了實際的金援支持、能讓我的影響力擴大絕對是另一個支持網站運營的方法。我的贊助連結:Aillynotes (buymeacoffee.com),最低一杯咖啡$5的金額就可以持續支持我撰寫優質文章。




  1. 延伸閱讀:從信用卡小白到賺到Chase UR百萬點數,我的10個美國信用卡持卡策略
  2. 延伸閱讀:美國信用卡:Chase的UR點數超過1百萬點&Amex MR 50萬點賺取方法
  3. 延伸閱讀:2022值得關注信用卡:Citi、US Bank、Amex、Capital One、Bilt





